Christmas Lunch at Burnett

One of the ways our church is building a strong bond with Burnett Pre-K & K is to show our support and appreciation to their entire staff of about 80 people for all they do, providing a lunch meal before Christmas break.  This year we are planning this event for Friday, December 8  from 10:30 to 2:00 (arrive at 10:00 am to set up).  The Missions Committee is providing the entrée, salad, and bread.  We need your help to do something we Methodists are famous for and that’s making yummy desserts.  As with any mission, all are invited to join us in serving the meal and to get some quality time for fellowship with Burnet’s staff.  

Annual Winter Coat & Cold Weather Gear Drive

It’s already November in Texas and Mother Nature has already been dropping little hints that winter is just around the corner.  We are looking for donations of new coats, stocking caps, gloves, ear muffles & scarfs etc. in sizes appropriate for Pre-k and K which will benefit our little ones in Burnett.  Any donated items for older children will go to the Share Center.  TISD now boasts more than 4300 students with a shocking 80% coming from lower-income families that will benefit from our generosity.  Donations can be delivered to the church office.

Angel Tree

It’s time to kick off another great Christmas tradition; our Angel Tree.  This years “tree” will be a bit different as the Missions Committee has partnered with the Terrell Health Care Center on Nash benefitting it’s 70 patients .  Starting Sunday 11/19/2017, we will have color coded (for Men and Women and bingo prizes), numbered gift bags you can sign out in the Sanctuary.  Each bag will have a suggested list of gifting ideas to fill your bag(s) with but feel free to add addition gifts that you feel will put a smile on your benefactor’s face.  Please think about safety of these folks when you buy your gifts. We are putting together a Christmas party at the rest home on Wednesday December 6 at 6:00 PM where we will deliver our bags full of goodies so please return all bags checked out to the Fellowship Hall not later than Sunday 12/03/17

​​Please drop these by the Church office, Mon-Thurs.:

​​HEARTEN FOOD BAGS – Sustaining the Hungry
2 Ramen Noodles in bags (Chicken or Beef)
2 Cans Beef Ravioli (pop top lid)
2 Cans Spaghetti Pasta Rings with Meatballs
in tomato sauce (pop top lid)
2 Cans Macaroni and Beef (pop top lid)
2 Cans Vienna Sausage (pop top lid)
2 Boxes of Tuna Salad kit with crackers
3 Peanut Butter Cracker packs
2 Spam Singles
2 Peach Fruit Cups